

Graduate study is open to qualified students who possess a bachelor’s degree from an accredited U.S. 学院/大学和/或同等学历的外国机构. Graduate credits used to meet undergraduate degree requirements cannot be transferred to a graduate program.

正常情况下, the equivalent of an undergraduate major in the field is also required along with an adequate background in the field of study, 然而,准备工作的最终判断仍由各自的审查委员会成员作出.

对于每一个高级学位, 有一门符合大学和院系要求的认可课程. 城市学院列出了院系要求 毕业生公告

一旦你确定了一个感兴趣的领域, explore the City College website to learn all about the vast variety of opportunities offered throughout the college. 让 MyCityGrad 做你的私人导游.









美洲冰球突破豪华版(M ..A.)


Each candidate for a master’s degree in Engineering or Computer Science must complete at least 30 credits as approved by the department and the Dean. 理学硕士学位(M.S.)是颁发给没有工程学士学位的学生. 学生 who have taken graduate work at other institutions may receive up to six credits (nine with the approval of the Committee on Course and Standing) provided that the material is equivalent to a graduate course taught at the college and that it was completed with a grade of B or better within a five-year period preceding matriculation at The City College. The Computer Science Program is only open to students with a computer science baccalaureate degree or extensive undergraduate course work in the field of study. 现在点击这里申请!


Degree candidates are required to be matriculants and to complete the minimum number of graduate credits in an approved program of study (not less than 30), 通过书面资格考试(除非毕业时平均成绩达到B), and to complete Introduction to Educational 冰球突破豪华版 (EDUC 0000I) and Individual Study in Educational 冰球突破豪华版 (EDUC 0100I) or designated equivalent courses.


学位/ Non-Matriculated冰球突破豪华版



秋季- 8月1日
春季- 1月1日


  1. 谁是非入学/非学位学生?
    学生可以被录取为冰球突破豪华版生课程, 完全注册入学, 有条件录取或不录取.
  2. 完全注册入学
    Fully matriculated students are those that have applied and submitted all official documents to the graduate admissions office and have received a formal letter from the divisional dean accepting them as matriculated and thus eligible to receive a degree.
  3. 有条件入学
    学生 that have been accepted as matriculated with conditions are those that have applied and submitted all official documents to the graduate admissions office and have received a formal letter from the divisional dean accepting them as matriculated with conditions. Matriculate conditional students must fulfill requirements as specified by the academic department. 学生可以通过满足学院和大学的要求来获得入学资格.

    由于USCIS的规定, international students with conditional admission must complete their pre-requisite courses successfully before starting at CCNY, 因为SEVP的规定禁止发放有条件录取的I-20.  
  4. To seek matriculation, the student must contact the departmental advisor or chair of the program. No more than twelve credits taken while in a non-matriculated status may be applied toward a graduate degree. In the 教育学院, non-matriculated students are limited to a maximum of nine credits. Graduate advisors will inform the dean and the Office of Graduate 招生 in writing of any approved change in status.

    Please note that international applicants will not be able to receive an I-20 from City College until the conditions have been met elsewhere. 
  5. Non-Matriculant /学位
    A student who is registered as a non-degree is not eligible to receive a master’s degree while in that status. 没有学位的学生也不能在校外注册课程. Non-matriculated students must change status by formal application through the appropriate Office of 招生. Applicants for a change in status from non-degree to matriculated students will be considered as new applicants for admission and therefore, 会被录取还是被拒绝. A non-degree student who wishes to become matriculated and thus eligible to receive a degree must have a B average or better in courses, 不超过两门独立学习或辅导课的课程. 

    This type of non-degree status is for students who have not submitted official documents or are unable to complete their application by the deadline. The Non-degree option is also available for students who wish to take graduate courses for personal and professional enrichment and who do not seek matriculation. 学生可以在秋季申请非学位学习, 春季和夏季报名时间视场地情况而定. 学生 who obtain approval in this status are limited in the number of credits they may take, 根据他们的学术部门或学校. 

    Non-degree students who have taken the maximum amount of credits allowed are encouraged to apply for matriculation if they wish to continue graduate study at City College. 学生 must file the appropriate graduate application and submit official documents to the Office of Graduate 招生 in order to have their application reviewed.
  6. 作为非学位学生,我可以修多少学分?
    • 教育学院:9个学分
    • 工程学院- 6个学分
    • 文科和理科- 12学分
    • 城市环境的可持续性- 9学分
  7. 有没有不允许非入学学生的课程?
    • 建筑学院
    • 品牌+整合传播
    • 计算机科学-信息系统
    • 创意写作
    • 数字和跨学科的艺术实践
    • MFA电影课程
    • 心理健康咨询
    • 公共管理(MPA),公共服务管理
  8. 我可以同时注册教育学和经济学课程吗?
    是的, non-matriculant students are allowed to register for courses concurrently from different divisions as long as there are no departmental restrictions; however, 学分不能超过每个部门所允许的最大学分数.
  9. 是否可以注册冰球突破豪华版生和本科生的非预科课程?
    学生 are allowed to register for both undergraduate and graduate non-matriculated courses for the same semester. Applicants only need to file a graduate non-matriculant application and register for courses in both areas under the graduate status.

最后更新: 09/13/2023 17:11